GUITARRICADELAFUENTE: Summer Tales by Manu Jaime

FUCKING YOUNG! MAGAZINE Guitarricadelafuente by Manu Jaime. Tania Morenilla, Summer 2023,, Image Amplified1

Manu Jaime teams up with singer Guitarricadelafuente and Fucking Young! Magazine to produce a perfectly styled spread for the “TALES” issue, Summer 2023.

FUCKING YOUNG! MAGAZINE Guitarricadelafuente by Manu Jaime. Tania Morenilla, Summer 2023,, Image Amplified5

Tania Morenilla is responsible for styling with pieces from Kenzo FW23 throughout. Miky Valles covers MUAH while Alicia Pastor delivers Digi OP.

FUCKING YOUNG! MAGAZINE Guitarricadelafuente by Manu Jaime. Tania Morenilla, Summer 2023,, Image Amplified7

Adding to the creative team María Garcia serves as stylist assistant, Ismael Nasrollah & Clara Guiñón serve as photo assistants. Rounding out the team Jorge Garcia delivers set design and text/interview is by Juan Marti.

FUCKING YOUNG! MAGAZINE Guitarricadelafuente by Manu Jaime. Tania Morenilla, Summer 2023,, Image Amplified3FUCKING YOUNG! MAGAZINE Guitarricadelafuente by Manu Jaime. Tania Morenilla, Summer 2023,, Image Amplified2FUCKING YOUNG! MAGAZINE Guitarricadelafuente by Manu Jaime. Tania Morenilla, Summer 2023,, Image Amplified6FUCKING YOUNG! MAGAZINE Guitarricadelafuente by Manu Jaime. Tania Morenilla, Summer 2023,, Image Amplified4FUCKING YOUNG! MAGAZINE Guitarricadelafuente by Manu Jaime. Tania Morenilla, Summer 2023,, Image Amplified8

MAREK POLOMSKY: Perfect Summer Day by Lukas Kimlicka

NACHO PENIN: Relaxed Summer Fantasy by Lorenzo Fanfani