EVAN MOCK: Ugly Evan by Tianzheng Sun

Tianzheng Sun teams up with actor Evan Mock and Fucking Young! Mag to deliver editor style in “Ugly Evan” for the December 2024 issue.

Wojciech Christopher Nowak serves as creative director/fashion editor/stylist while Sevil Tai is on as hair stylist, Nina Carelli as make-up artist and Danis Zhang as set designer.

Adding to the creative team @nickelasie serves as set assistant, @starlight.media.solutions as gaffer/lighting, stylist assistants include @annetworth, @jessiejiyung & @mollieophelia and producers include @gabi.coac & @wojciechchristophernowak.


LOTTIE, LUCIA & ROSANNA: Edinburgh by Rachel Lamb

CLEMENT: Fares by Clement Laguardia