ENTERTAINMENT UPDATE: Madonna Names Amy Schumer an Unapologetic Bitch On Stage, for Rebel Heart Tour in New York


Madonna and Amy Schumer. Those two were surely having as much fun as anyone last night as the Rebel Heart tour landed in New York. Madonna's been breaking the rules for years, and as Katey Rich writes for Vanity Fair, Amy Schumer makes for a perfect partner in crime.

Which might be why Schumer and Madonna seemed like such a surprisingly perfect match up there onstage: each of them frustrated with and refusing to follow the rules that say women must become shy and retiring after the age of 30. If Schumer’s still flashing her underwear onstage and giving a winning smile when she’s 57, we’ll have Madonna’s inspiration to thank.

After seeing the video of Madonna presenting Schumer with the night's two Unapologetic Bitch awards, I wish the two were teaming up for more of the Rebel Heart Dates!

Read more at vanityfair.com



Ma fucking Donna

A photo posted by @amyschumer on Sep 16, 2015 at 10:23pm PDT

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